Jen Milius on Amazing Authors with Meg Nocero

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I love spending time with people who are positive, encouraging, and believe in building others up, so when my friend Meg Nocero asked me to be a guest on Amazing Authors, to talk about leadership, books, and how authors own their space as leaders when the lead their readers and potential collaborators, I jumped at the chance.

Here are some of the topics that came up:

  • How Wayne and I came up with our leadership book's title, You Know it's a Verb, Right?
  • How the Einstein & Moo children's book series fit into my world
  • One of my favorite chapters in YKIAVR and how that ties into running your business as an author
  • How I help authors get comfortable being visible by sharing their work and message whether it's through developmental editing, book signings, speaking engagements and more

As I've mentioned before, you are running your business, you're also leading it. That shift in perspective can bring up all kinds of feelings, but I know you're capable of stepping up and owning your space. You wouldn't be here, if you weren't.