Who do you want your clients to become?

leadership development
At the Table with Jen

Just as much as your clients have an idea or goal they want to achieve or a change they want to make and want your expertise to guide them, you more than likely have an idea of what you want for your clients.

Here are some thoughts that resonated with me when I thought about this for my business and those whom I serve:

I want my clients to know and own their value - be confident in themselves and what they have to offer.

I want for them to be successful business owners and excited to share what they have to offer and embrace their role as the business leader, not just the creative side they love.

My clients are those who are genuinely concerned and care about their people - whether they are team members, clients, family, and friends - and many of them care for animals, too. With that in mind, I want my clients to confidently set and honor boundaries, so that they are decisive and compassionate when they say yes and no.

I want my clients to embrace their discomfort with being uncomfortable, so that they can continually grow, learn, and try new things to amplify their gifts, their businesses, and how they serve others instead of holding themselves back because of the fear of the unknown.

So who do you want your clients to become?

What came through for you as you heard this?

Take some time today and not only jot down what you want for your clients, but take it a step further, and take action with one thing you can do today to shift more in that direction.