Jen Milius on The Designers Show - Habits of a Positive Leader

leadership development

You know when you have a huge smile on your face after you've done something you were excited to be part of, and you just can't stop? That's how I have been since being a guest on The Designers Show!

Dan, Kevin, Rene and I had a great conversation all about leadership. Here are some of the questions I was asked:

  • What advice would you offer to emerging leaders who are just starting out?
  • How have you balanced the demands of leadership with other responsibilities and priorities in your life, such as family, hobbies or other interests?
  • What is "RATSDWTN" from your leadership book, You Know it's a Verb, Right?, and how do you pronounce it?

As you are running your business, you're also leading it. That shift in perspective can bring up all kinds of feelings, but I know you're capable to step up and own your space.

You wouldn't be here, if you weren't.

After you've had a chance to listen to the interview, I'd love to hear what resonated with you.