Styling with Confidence

business of being an author leadership development
At the Table with Jen


When you get ready in the morning, do you just throw anything that's clean on or do you take some time to thoughtfully pull your look together? 

Do you iron pieces that would look even better when they're pressed or do you skip that part because it feels like it's an extra step? 

Does the idea of letting go of clothes that no longer really work for your body type or position make you feel excited to update your wardrobe by bringing it in alignment with where you currently are or does seem like one more thing to do?

Your clothes - your style - is the first impression that anyone gets when they see you. When you dress in a way that makes you feel good on the outside, it amplifies the goodness that’s happening on the inside. It shows that you value and respect yourself because you take care of yourself.

It's a form of self-care.

Here are five ways you can ensure you're exuding confidence with your style:

  • Choose colors that complement your complexion
  • Choose clothes that fit appropriately and flatter your body type
  • Choose accessories, jewelry, and completer pieces (like a jacket or cardigan) that accentuate your outfit and the occasion
  • Choose to wear shoes that are comfortable, occasion appropriate and not scuffed or too worn
  • Choose styles that accentuate your personal brand while aligning with your role as a leader 

If you need help, line up a styling experience at a store where you love the clothes and trust someone there to show you what really works for you and educates you on why. The more information you can share about your workplace, role, overall style and goals, the more the personal stylist will be able to support you. You might consider bringing this stylist into your home and going through your existing closet, so that it's not just about buying new pieces, but better leveraging the pieces you have.

Lastly, be willing to donate clothes and accessories that no longer work for you for whatever the reason. Even if the item fits perfectly, but you don't feel like a rockstar in it, then it needs to move on to someone else.  Honor the person you are becoming - the leader you're stepping into.

As you make these styling transformations, it's not just your closet that will change, but your attitude and present along with it. You’ll find that you carry yourself as though you WANT to be SEEN and taken seriously. When you send those messages, your team and clients will receive them and respond accordingly.